Rooting through my digital garden shed, I unearthed these photos from my first trip to Asia, in March 1997. We flew to Kuala Lumpur, then immediately jumped a plane to Penang in order to get the ferry to Sumatra. After Sumatra, we felt in need of a rest so went on another ferry to Langkawi and crashed for a few days.
I'm afraid the picture quality isn't up to my usual standards - when I scanned these in, 256 colours was good. Maybe I'll rescan them some day.
The camera I was using then was a simple, cheap 35mm - no zoom, not even any
focus. The quality of the originals is surprisingly good, though - mainly because
they are all landscapes (so the focus doesn't matter that much). I hope they're
enough for you to get an idea of the natural beauty, anyway.
Langkawi, Malaysia
Penang, Malaysia
Sumatra, Indonesia
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