Moore finds it amusing - and occasionally embarrassing - that I am very punctilious about guarding my personal information. I always read the privacy policy on a web site. I'm registered on both the Mailing and Telephone Preference Services. And whenever I give my name and address or similar details, I always check that I've opted out of the mailing list. I get really stroppy with companies that break the rules.
This isn't just about junk mail though. There's always the Big Brother question. I don't want umpteen companies sharing what they know about me. And nor do I want the government knowing everything I do. Not that I'm a criminal or a terrorist - far too chicken - just that I'm not a consumer or a suspect or a statistic; I'm a private citizen.
Here's a cautionary tale:
Q. What could a boarding pass tell an identity fraudster about you? A. Way too much
Chilling. It doesn't take a creepy and all-powerful government to do this, just a bit of mild incompetence and someone who knows how to use the information available. So I'm keeping my details to myself, as much as possible.
My lovely readers are always welcome to email me at though - thank Invisible Superman for mail filters.
(Actually, I must find out who invented mail filters and thank them)
PS Oh and yes, I am against ID cards. I don't really mind having to prove who I am sometimes, using my passport or driving licence or something. Strictly in circumstances where it might matter, like when applying for a mortgage. But I don't see the need to spend several hundred pounds each (and rising) on a card that would be no defence against either 9/11 or 7/7-style attacks, and whose biometric technology is immature. Blunkett and Clarke can get stuffed.
Why I'm protective of my personal info
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